IT Services For Non-Profits in Greater Vancouver:
Frustrated With The Lack Of Responsiveness And Slow Service From Your Current IT Services Company?
Discover how great IT Services and Support can be when People are put first! Call: 604-336-8133

Is your security is up to the task of protecting your systems?
Get a Penetration Test performed by the same company that The Human IT Company uses to verify our own security. A $1897 Value!
Our Services
3 Big Reasons to Choose
The Human IT Company to Support
Your Computer Network
See what other business owners are saying about us…
About The Human IT Company
Our clients have often been left with an unpleasant taste in their mouths by prior IT support providers. They’ve felt like hostages, or that they were being mandated to about the options available to them. Often, our Clients simply want to understand what’s going on, and be able to make an informed choice about their business.
We believe you shouldn’t need a translator to interpret what your IT support person is telling you.
From cloud services to data backup, our tailored IT support & services deliver what you need and want without overstepping the boundaries of your budget.
Not Ready To Call Us Just Yet?
If so, we would at least like to give you a copy of our recently published report, The Vancouver Executive Guide To IT Support Services And Fees.
Even if you aren’t ready to make a change right now, this will give you the 3 most common ways Vancouver IT support companies charge for their services, and the pros and cons of each approach, 21 revealing questions to ask your IT support firm BEFORE giving them access to your computer network, e-mail and data, and more.
Simply fill out the form here and download your copy today!